Brothers and Sisters, June 2006:
From L rear: Ira, Nate, Jesse, Steve
From L front: Rachel, Maggie, Rhoda
With siblings, uncles and aunts in Florida, Feb. 9, 2007
Uncle Bill Yoder telling a story, Feb. 9, 2007
Uncle Jonas Schrock, Uncle Bill, and others
John and Dort’s wedding. Feb. 10, 2007
Phil Graber and Ira at the reception
Janice, Steven, Rhoda at the wedding
Ellen and Janice and somebody’s baby
Three thugs and a Lady: Titus, Maryanne, Mervin, Steven
Ronald and Titus (with his bright red phone)
“I didn’t do it.” Nate and Ellen
Chandler, Nate, Ira. Feb. 9, 2007
Steven Marner and John Yoder (a most gracious host)
Wilma Wagler and Dorinda Graber
Mother and daughter. Dorothy and Kali
Mother and son. Maggie and Steven
Ray Marner visiting with Hank Wagler
Stephen Wagler and his namesake, Steven Marner
The Steven Marner Band performing at Stokies.
Greenwood, SC. June, 2006
Steven the Balladeer. Greenwood, SC.
The picture seen around the world; Ira and Janice
Part of the Old Bloomfield Gang; Waglers, Helmuths, and Lambrights. Around 2002